Summary of Steps for Electronic Submission of Thesis and Research Project

The goal of the Graduate School is to assist students in the successful completion and submission of the thesis or research project. To facilitate this process, it is strongly recommended students follow the thesis or research guide in composing the written document for submission to the Graduate Office. A template is provided to reduce the change of serious formatting problems that can potentially delay the approval process. Before a student submits his/her electronic document to the Office of Graduate Studies for approval, the student must have completed a document review by his/her committee in the submission of an error free document.

Initial Submission:

  • Check the Thesis/Project/Capstone Calendar for submission deadlines.
  • Compose your thesis/project/capstone in advance of the submission date to ensure adequate time for approval.
  • Schedule your defense date in a timely manner in order to make any changes recommended by your Thesis Committee. All committee members must participate in your examination. Master Committees must have at least three members.
  • Prior to the student submitting the thesis/project electronically, he/she is required to give the thesis or project to the committee advisor for review. Prior to the initial submission to the Graduate Office at , fix any problem(s) recommended.
  • The student is advised to double check his/her document after the committee’s review to make sure it is formatted properly according to the Thesis/Project/Capstone Manual. Students are encouraged to use the Thesis Template to format the manuscript.
  • Submit manuscript electronically in pdf format; submit original signature pages on required 20# cotton paper to the Graduate Office.
  • If the Thesis/Research Project/Capstone is returned for corrections, make them quickly and resubmit for final approval.
  • If minor revisions are required, the student will be contacted to make them. If major revisions are necessary, the manuscript will be returned to the chair of the department to collaborate with the student and committee chair to make the necessary corrections. An email will be sent to the student to notify him/her of this action.

NOTE: The Graduate School is not the first point of contact in reviewing a student’s document for approval. The first level in the hierarchy is to have the Thesis or Research Committee read and approve the document before it is submitted to the Graduate Office.

Second Submission:

  • The student should review the recommended formatting and content changes, correct them, and resubmit the manuscript electronically to the Graduate Office.
  • The student must submit a correctly formatted manuscript. Check the document to ensure it is in compliance with the Thesis/Research/Capstone Manual guidelines. Use the most up-to-date Adobe Acrobat to convert the manuscript to a pdf before uploading it to.
  • All theses and projects will be reviewed in the Graduate Office for proper formatting and completeness. Minor revisions required will be identified, with a request to revise. Substantial formatting and content revisions will be returned to the department chair for final corrections before the manuscript is resubmitted.

Thesis And Research Project Resources